Mechanical Properties of Monel 400 Alloy at Elevated Temperatures
According to the records of tension test on Monel 400 alloy at elevated temperatures, the stress-strain chart, yield strength – temperature chart, and tensile strength- temperature chart were established.
The Stress-Strain Chart for Monel 400 at Elevated Temperatures
The Yield & Tensile Strength – Temperature Chart for Monel 400
Analysis on Test Result
As illustrated above, the yield strength and tensile strength were measured at several elevated temperatures: 600°C, 700°C, 800°C, 900°C, 1000°C, 1100°C. The steep elastic deformation section of the stress-strain curve illustrates that Monel 400 can only have very limited elastic deformation. The rate of plastic deformation increases dramatically as the temperature goes up. Meanwhile, the yield strength and tensile strength of Monel 400 alloy decreases as the temperature is elevated.